Wednesday 30 July 2014

Demon Trappers: Forbidden, Jana Oliver review

This doesn't happen that often, but I found myself liking this installment more than the first one in this series.
Forbidden, continues on directly from where we leave off in Forsaken, Simon is healing, Beck is still an asshat, and Riley is on the search for her dad and the person who reanimated him.
Add on top of that, Riley is trying to figure out the details of the deal she made with Heaven.

Again, Riley Blackthorne goes through it a bit. It seems the girl can't catch a break. Though she thinks she does when her and Ori start becoming closer.
It's just one thing after another that seems to go from bad to worse for Riley.

 The whole thing with the Demon Hunters coming to town really piqued my interest.
We hear what the Trappers think of them throughout the books, and then we finally get to see a slice of what they're like, though because they only pay a small part, I'm hoping they'll be more involved in the next book, 'Forgiven'.

Riley and Beck's friendship is strung pretty tight throughout the whole novel, and at the very end, it seems to snap.

I said in my review of the first book that the language and dialogue was spot on, and it's exactly the same this time around.
Every single conversation and situation, and the characters reactions to those situations seem so real and that is one of the things I love most about this author and series so far.
Nothing is too far-fetched and I feel like I would do exactly the same in the majority of the scenarios that Riley finds herself in.

Simon.. was an asshat.
Beck.. he pushed Riley to far.
Ori.. I knew was trouble from the start (only because I've read the book before).

I'm still rotting for her and Beck though, I really like the idea of them as a couple, though neither have them have admitted it to themselves.

I've finally caught up with what I had already read last year, and when I finished this book, I found myself asking, 'Why the hell did it take me this long to buy the next book' especially with the way it ended.
I'm so happy that I'm going into the next book blind, maybe my review of it will be different because I'll be reading it for the first time.

Like its predecessor, I'm giving this book 4 stars.
This is a series that I know I will enjoy reading and rereading. It's just such an interested concept, filled with colourful characters that you can really relate to. 

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